

Choco - cinnamon sticks


    125 ml cream
    100 g dark chocolate
    100 g of milk chocolate
    25 g butter
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    150 g dark chocolate
    3 tablespoons oil
    100 g of roasted, ground hazelnuts


    Heat the cream to a boil and remove from heat. Add chopped chocolate, butter and cinnamon. Stir well and leave for 1 hour to cool.
    Mix the foam mixer, placed in a bag, cut off the top. Incase tray with baking paper and squirt sticks thickness of the little finger and the length of 5-6 cm. Leave for at least 2 hours in the cold, preferably overnight.
    Melt chocolate over low heat with oil, dip sticks in the icing and roll in the nuts-and I know them cool until serving refrigerate.

Cake with apples and cinnamon


Kolač sa jabukama i cimetom
    Cake with apples and cinnamon
    4 eggs
    300 g brown sugar
    2 dl oil
    600 g flour
    1 baking powder
    1 ml milk
    1 vanilla sugar
    60 grams of peeled apple
    cinnamon optionally


Foam blended eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar, add oil and milk and again izmiksati.Zatim stir flour with baking powder and mix well blended. Peel apples and cut into cubes, sprinkle them with cinnamon (quantity to taste), mix, and add to dough. All gently stir with a wooden spoon-no mixer. Pour into pouljen and floured baking sheet and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes Finished cake liberally sprinkled with powdered sugar.

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