
Cimet ( lat. Cinnamomum verum)



Cinnamon (lat. Cinnamomum verum) 

Cinnamon (lat. Cinnamomum verum) is an evergreen tree from the laurel (bay) family (Lauraceae) 10-15 meters high. Encourages the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon other name). Spice, which is obtained from the bark of this tree bears the same name. We distinguish between Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon.
Ceylon cinnamon that is sold in the form of bars has a softer and spicier flavor, used for breeding compote, sweet dishes, stews, hot drinks.
Cassia cinnamon is slightly sharper taste, more used for special dishes and sauces and is most often found in ground form.

Air and surface:

Cinnamon is a plant that grows in the sandy surface. He needs shelter, uniform temperatures and plenty of water
Cinnamon thrives wherever there are tropical conditions, so you have India and Indonesia. Cinnamon is a plant which best suits the tropical climate.


Cinnamon is stored in sealed glass jars in a cool, dark, dry place. Ground cinnamon is used longer than six months from the time of purchase, while sticks retain freshness up to a year.

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